Episcopal Church of the Resurrection

Month: October 2015

Giving of Your Time and Talent

Many people believe if they donate money to a cause they can then forget about the charity, mission, or people who might be receiving the funds.   But, giving is more than that.  Giving from the heart means to put yourself in their place and perhaps even try to feel what they are feeling.  I know that if something touches me, I will do what I can to help.  Time and talent are two other ways to give; time being the hardest for most folks to give, especially in this day and age of everyone racing everywhere without stopping to  breathe.   Of course, if you have a particular talent, giving of that talent where needed is such a blessing to others.  When you combine time AND talent on any one particular mission, the sky is the limit on what can be accomplished.  That is why God has seen fit to give different talents to different people.

Open up your hearts by sitting quietly and letting God speak to you.  Ask Him to show you where He needs you to be. Believe me, opportunities will arise where your talents are needed.  Then you must be willing to give some of your time to accomplish your goals.  You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel to reach out and touch someone.

The Episcopal Church of Wise County along with The Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls provided a ramp for Marsha Van Etten de Chant of Wichita Falls.  Mother Amy Haynie bought the materials needed and Marquis Whitley built the ramp in his workshop.  With the help of Deborah and Fred Dery, Ellen and Marquis Whitley delivered the ramp and installed it on Wednesday, September 30, 2015.

